Does Nerve Regeneration Hurt

What does it feel like when nerves regenerate? 

For some people, nerve regeneration can bring relief, but for others it can cause increased pain before relief is found. 

Injury to any part of the body results in pain. Sometimes that pain is acute, while other injuries that cause extensive damage, can cause prolonged periods of pain or even chronic pain as a result of more significant nerve damage.

Nerve damage can also occur from different health conditions. Neuropathy is the clinical term for nerve damage that affects the peripheral nerves (hands and feet) and can have many different causes. The most common type of neuropathy is diabetic neuropathy, where high blood sugar causes nerve damage. However, exposure to toxins, drugs (e.g. chemotherapy), alcohol and nutrient deficiencies can all lead to neuropathy. 

After a nerve is damaged, it can be repaired by a series of complex steps that are regulated by Nerve Growth Factors. The presence of the Nerve Growth Factor has been shown to increase nerve activity, which can result in increased sensations of pain.

It is important to know that some injuries or health conditions that cause nerve damage can lead to an overwhelming response of Nerve Growth Factor. In these rare cases, this can lead to the development of chronic pain conditions.

Current research on nerve damage and regeneration from my clinical work, has shown that specialized omega-3s nutrition therapy Frontline Neuropathy can support the body’s efforts to regenerate damaged nerves. While the actions of Nerve Growth Factors are important, it is equally important to have the essential fatty acids needed to rebuild the injured nerves.