Diabetes and Heart Disease: what YOU need to know

People with diabetes are at increased risk of heart disease.
Here is what you need to know to reduce your risk!

What is the link between diabetes and heart disease?
People with diabetes typically have higher than normal blood sugar and blood pressure. Both of these factors can damage the nerves that control the heart and relax blood vessels. This means that the longer someone has diabetes, the higher his or her risk for developing heart disease.
What is the story with triglycerides and cholesterol?
Many people think that diabetes is all about blood sugar, the truth is your body has a hard time managing fats in your blood as well. 
Triglycerides are the main type of fat from foods and people with diabetes can have a hard time getting them out of the blood after a meal. As a result, these fats can be stored in blood vessels. This narrows blood vessels and leads to heart disease. 

Cholesterol is a type of fat that is made in your liver. LDL or ‘bad cholesterol’ can also build up in blood vessels, while HDL or ‘good cholesterol’ helps to keep your vessels clean. People with diabetes have a hard time making HDL, which increases the risk of heart disease.
What can I do to lower my risks?
Frontline Neuropathy is a recognized nutrition therapy for heart health. The pro-nerve omega-3 fats in Frontline Neuropathy help support the nerves that control your heart and blood vessels healthy AND there is clinical evidence that 6-weeks of use can lower triglycerides and increase HDL. 
“Nutarniq Essentials has helped my diabetic neuropathy and heart disease. I have noticed improved blood flow to my feet and improved sexual health.” - Tony
The other things you can do to reduce your risks are follow the alphabet:
A– A1c, keep your blood sugar in your target range 
B– Blood pressure, keep this under control so your heart doesn't have to work too hard
C– Cholesterol, through regular blood work, keep your HDL high and LDL low
D– Diet, follow a heart-healthy diet that is low in sugar and unhealthy fats
E– Exercise, regular exercise, which includes walk helps to keep your heart muscle in shape